Friday, February 12, 2010

Positive Spin Blinds Group

Amidst the turmoil of a sudden forced resignation, a group lost an opportunity to receive a major grant. The donor asked for a document with a deadline that fell one week after the resignation. When the group subsequently did not receive the grant, they developed this explanation: “The donor did not give us enough time.”

Technically, this was true. More time would have allowed the group to comply. Underneath this positive spin, was the fact that the group, because of the resignation faced a leadership void at a critical hour. The spin blamed the donor. The spin, which over time became the organization’s reality, meant that instead of planning how to restore the donors trust in the organization, the group is blithely plans to apply again to this “capricious” donor.

By all means create a positive spin for the challenges you face, but avoid spinning so much that the dust you generate blinds you to reality and critical action steps.

1 comment:

  1. Amidst the turmoil of a sudden forced resignation, a group lost an opportunity to receive a major grant. The donor asked for a document with a deadline that fell one week after the resignation. When the group subsequently did not receive the grant. curtains kent
