Muhammad Yunus’ book traces the start of the now international Grameen (village) micro-lending program in Bangladesh. It has three vital lessons for nonprofit leaders.
For other reading suggestions see Recommended Reading.
Advancing the Nonprofit Sector is authored by consultants who specialize in helping nonprofits from the United States and Canada. Collectively, they have over 130 years of experience. The Blog's goal is to provide value for nonprofit executive directors as they lead their organizations.
Muhammad Yunus’ book traces the start of the now international Grameen (village) micro-lending program in Bangladesh. It has three vital lessons for nonprofit leaders.
For other reading suggestions see Recommended Reading.
Although they did not start out as a nonprofit, Mike Feinberg and Dave Levin’s work resulted in one: the Knowledge is Power Program (KIPP) Foundation. In 1994, Feinberg and Levin, Teach for America graduates, started an inner-city school program for middle school students. Today, 82 schools in 19 states and the District of Columbia are KIPP programs. KIPP serves 21,000 mostly middle school age children. While many KIPP students begin fifth grade at least one or more grades behind their peers in math and reading, after four years at KIPP, 100 percent of eighth grade classes outperformed their district averages in mathematics and reading based on state tests. Word Hard. Be Nice. tells the story of the early years of KIPP.
What can a nonprofit leader learn from this book? The value of partnerships and perseverance. While the relationships were not always rosy, in fact they were often difficult and challenging, KIPP had to work with local schools and school boards to succeed. If you are faced with a partnership you must make work, Work Hard. Be Nice. will give you insights about how to survive, grow and thrive in this environment and how to hold on to your vision in tough times.
Nonprofit leaders would like to have access to a money tree—a big healthy one.
In truth, they do. Healthy nonprofits grow groves of money trees composed of six* main species. They include these species of trees and yield, on average, these fruits.
1. Earned income: 28- 40 percent
2. Individuals gifts including bequests: 16-29 percent
3. Government: 21- 30 percent
4. Other income, like interest and entrepreneurial income: 10-16 percent
5. Foundations: 2-3 percent
6. Business/Corporate: 1-2 percent
Money trees start, as all trees do, either as a seed like an acorn or a planted seedling. Then nonprofit leaders tend, water and protect them. If you take care of your groves and continue to plant new trees, you will harvest fruit for years.
Which trees have you planted in your nonprofit? Which of your groves need tending? Which new trees are you learning to grow?
For more information about nonprofit income sources see:
Money-tastic #2: Nonprofit Income Opportunities
* A seventh species is the In-Kind Tree, where groups receive resources in lieu of cash.