Nonprofit leaders would like to have access to a money tree—a big healthy one.
In truth, they do. Healthy nonprofits grow groves of money trees composed of six* main species. They include these species of trees and yield, on average, these fruits.
1. Earned income: 28- 40 percent
2. Individuals gifts including bequests: 16-29 percent
3. Government: 21- 30 percent
4. Other income, like interest and entrepreneurial income: 10-16 percent
5. Foundations: 2-3 percent
6. Business/Corporate: 1-2 percent
Money trees start, as all trees do, either as a seed like an acorn or a planted seedling. Then nonprofit leaders tend, water and protect them. If you take care of your groves and continue to plant new trees, you will harvest fruit for years.
Which trees have you planted in your nonprofit? Which of your groves need tending? Which new trees are you learning to grow?
For more information about nonprofit income sources see:
How Will We Pay for This? 14 Ways to Obtain Income
Money-tastic #2: Nonprofit Income Opportunities
* A seventh species is the In-Kind Tree, where groups receive resources in lieu of cash.
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